"It's taken us over 18 years to build our reputation, why would we ruin that."
- Matthew Corica
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The information presented on this website has been supplied in good faith, and should not be considered advisory. No responsibility will be taken by Titan Securities Pty Ltd, for errors or omissions contained within this website or financial losses as a result of using this information. Securities and derivatives investing can result in losses and are not appropriate for all persons.
The investor needs to consider the appropriateness regarding their personal needs, objectives and financial circumstances. In providing this website Titan Securities Pty Ltd did not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any individual. We will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from users of this website trading or investing in any financial market.
Titan Securities Pty Ltd may have published profitable past performance results and in doing so is not implying that past performance is indicative of future performance. Titan Securities Pty Ltd is not implying that any profitable track record is representative of all clients’ accounts.
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Terms & Conditions
Submitting your personal details to the Titan Securities Pty Ltd website is acceptance of granting your permission to Titan Securities Pty Ltd (the exclusive record-keeper) and Matthew Corica (record manager) or an associate to contact you at a later date in relation to any product or service for an indefinite period.
Your personal information submitted after the 3rd January 2007 is managed by Matthew Corica on behalf of Titan Securities Pty Ltd and will not be sold or shared.
The database generated prior to 3rd January 2007 is the exclusive property of Matthew Corica. Submitting your personal details to that database via any of Matthew Corica's former websites is acceptance of granting your permission to Matthew Corica or associates to contact you at a later date in relation to any product or service for an indefinite period. Matthew Corica or associates may be employed or authorised under any Australian Financial Services License including Titan Securities Pty Ltd.
If you wish for your personal details to be deleted from our records, then please e-mail Matthew Corica with “REMOVE PERSONAL DETAILS FROM DATABASE” in the subject line.
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Nothing under the term & conditions will prevent any individual making a legitimate complaint against Titan Securities Pty Ltd. Please call 1800 228 600 if you have any complaints.
Do Not Call Register Act 2006
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NOTE: We do not make unsolicitated contact.
Product Discolute Statement and Financial Services Guide
A Product Disclosure Statement, for any advertised product if, or as, required by the Corporations Act can be requested from Titan Securities Pty Ltd or by following the appropriate link on this website. You should consider prior to investing the Product Disclosure Statement. Any Product Disclosure Statement is available by calling 1800 228 600 or by e-mailing your request.
The information about our services is contained in our Financial Services Guide.
Branch Office Address: 1st Floor, 2 Victoria Street, Midland W.A. 6056 | Registered Company & Service Address: 20 Wells Street, Bellevue W.A. 6056.
Call us on 1800 228 600
Email: contactus at titansecurities.com.au