Information Sheet for Titan's Hang Seng Trading Strategy #4
Our strategy is designed to exploit intra-day market inefficiencies resulting from an over-reaction to the US Market.
From the 01/07/2020 to 30/06/2021 our trading strategy showed an indicative past profit of 4,960 Hang Seng (Hong Kong) Index points. We adjust lot size daily depending on the client's account balance and market volatility, so the potential profit was approximately $48,800 AUD for the past twelve months.
1 Hang Seng Index contract = 1 HKD per point move.
You only need $10,000 AUD minimum to start Hang Seng Index trading. We suggest starting with a $30,000 AUD or higher trading account balance to potentially match the aforementioned past dollar returns.
shares.titansecurities.com.au/Hang_Results4.pdf (for example only)
Telephone 1800 228 600 or 0417 021 101 for more information.
Titan Securities Pty Ltd | AFSL: 307040 | contact@titansecurities.com.au
PLEASE NOTE: Our Hang Seng trading strategy is suitable for experienced investors, because this trading style tends to be more volatile. If you are new to trading, then we suggest you first consider our small cap share market advisory service before trading index futures or other financial derivative products.
The information presented in this correspondence has been supplied in good faith and should not be considered advisory. No responsibility will be taken by Titan Securities Pty Ltd for errors or omissions contained within this correspondence or financial losses as a result of using this information. Securities and derivatives investing can result in losses and are not appropriate for all persons.
The investor needs to consider the appropriateness regarding their personal needs, objectives and financial circumstances. In providing this correspondence, Titan Securities Pty Ltd did not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any person. We will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from users of this information trading or investing in any financial market.
All past performance figures linked to this correspondence are hypothetical paper-traded results. Hypotheticals are used to show potential new investors what to approximately and potentially expect moving forward with their individual trading accounts. A quoted percentage return per annum is the only indicator of past live performance. Our hypotheticals reflect past live trading results (our back-testing code is error free). RISK: Trading strategies can eventually fail without notice due to unforeseen changing characteristics of a market. Past results (including modelled results) are never an indication of future profit potential. Risk capital should be used for speculative trading. This trading strategy was designed for intra-day trading clients only, and in our opinion it is no more or less risky than the majority of other intra-day speculative derivatives trading techniques.
Equity drawdowns can happen without warning, for example: Between 21/11/2019 to 29/01/2020 drawdowns = 1128 Hang Seng points per lot. If you had entered this strategy around the 21st November 2019, then you would have experienced draw-downs of your risk capital before the potential recovery.
PLEASE NOTE: All derivatives trading should be considered speculative.

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