Terms of Use
Titan Securities Pty Ltd ("Titan") | AFSL: 307040 and Bigsumo Pty Ltd's Facebook Groups.
Disclosure and warnings to people who view postings
Titan does not endorse or vouch for the accuracy or authenticity of postings;
no-one is permitted to make postings as a licensed investment adviser, or as a representative of a licensed adviser;
postings are at best general information, not professional investment advice prepared by taking into account any individual circumstances and needs of particular investors. Therefore, before acting on the basis of what is said in a posting, you should:
consider consulting a licensed adviser (ASIC’s website at www.asic.gov.au has a list of licensed advisers); and
visit ASIC’s consumer website at www.fido.gov.au for general guidance about investing;
people making postings are individually responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of their postings;
because of the nature of the internet, it may be hard to identify or locate the person making a posting. The person may also be in an overseas jurisdiction, so it may be hard to take any legal action against them;
you may have no access to ASIC-approved dispute resolution schemes to recover any losses you may suffer by relying on the postings;
securities cannot be offered to you for sale or issue through postings on the group; and
it is advisable that you alert the group moderator or ASIC Infoline on 1300 300 630 if you have good reason to suspect that any postings are inaccurate, are based on inside information or are likely to mislead or deceive people who view or use the postings.
Disclosure/warnings to people making the postings
you are personally responsible for your postings (including any alterations you make to postings). Therefore, you should not include any misleading or deceptive information in your postings and not carry out illegal or unauthorised activities using the group. Information in postings may, where appropriate, be made available to ASIC. ASIC and people acting on such information may take action against you;
if you include hyper-links to other sites, you may be seen as endorsing the material on such sites. It may be advisable for you to warn people accessing other sites that you do not endorse or take responsibility for material in the hyper-linked sites;
if you own or have some other interest in a security, or you have any connection with a securities issuer that you might benefit from, you must disclose that fact. For example, you may be entitled to receive direct or indirect commissions, fees or ​other benefits from a financial product or service provider; or you may be associated with a particular securities issuer such as by being an employee or director of a securities issuer. If so, you must disclose that fact in your posting; and
if the group's moderator finds or reasonably suspects that you are making illegal or unauthorised postings, your right to make postings will be withdrawn.
PLEASE NOTE: Titan Securities will not be providing advisory services via the aforementioned group(s).